Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Sign? the past few days I have felt entirely too good to be pregnant. Sure, on Wednesday I had a clear sign of sickness and then Thursday I took a nauseous pill first thing and felt great all day. My questions is simple...was it the pill that made me feel great or is something wrong and my pregnancy symptoms are gone? So on Friday, I neglected to take any medicine and I felt worse than Thursday, but not as bad as Wednesday. What does this mean?

Last night, I said a little prayer for the Lord to send me a sign that I was really pregnant. Now, I am well aware that this is dangerous to do. Look at Zechariah after all. He wasn't able to speak for nine months until his son, John the Baptist, was born. So, in my prayer I was very specific that I wanted some more symptoms of pregnancy just as proof that all was going okay.

This backfired because now I am befuddled once again. I have been reading that I might notice that my veins are more prominent now that they are working so much harder to pump blood. So today, I am almost certain that my veins are definitely bluer. However, as with every other pregnancy "symptom" I have experienced, it has been clouded in a sea of doubt and questioned. When I got out of the shower and examined my newly found blue-ish veins, I thought, "perhaps I just didn't notice these before."

Short of an angel of the Lord coming to visit me to say, "The Lord has heard your prayer and has blessed you with a child," I am unlikely to truly embrace that this is actually happening. I know that I will feel more at ease on September 3rd at the next doctors visit, although this still feels a life time away. Until then, I will keep praying for peace, which my good friends Lori and Donald taught me to do and perhaps I will slip in a little prayer for a sign. I hope that God knows that I am not looking to be a mute for the next seven months. I am certain, though, that this is exactly what my husband is praying for.

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