Sunday, August 31, 2008

More on Sympathy Pains

For the record, I have not and will not ever experience sympathy pains during this process. In reading one of the 371 books on the subject that we are facing, there was a section on said pains. Nothing I am experiencing is in anyhow related to this process. It is more related to the fact that on Wednesday I turned 33 and is reason for my "pains."

If this process runs the course and occurs as planned, I will lay it all on line to be the best father I can be. That said, during the next few months, I want to try as hard as I can to be the best I can be for SC, even if that means dragginy my tubby but out of bed early to rub her back as she is parying to the porcelain gods. Or having popcorn with her at 4:30 in the morning. DC

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