Saturday, May 30, 2009

You Finally Pooped

Words that I never thought would come out of my least not in a jubilant way.

This morning at 5:30 am, my daughter finally pooped. And when she did fireworks went off and there were cheers all around. Okay, there weren't really fireworks, but there were cheers from the audience. An audience of two mind you. The audience started out as one, but upon realizing she pooped I called Dan in the room so that he could have a look too.

Never before would poop have been so exciting. A friend, actually Emily's Godmother, told me that this would happen and I am not sure I believed it until it did. You see, Emily has started this strange pattern of bowel movements in which she will poop for a couple of days in a row and then she will go five days before she poops again. Poor little thing - although it doesn't seem to bother her until the day before she poops. Then you can just see the frustration in her face as she grunts and all she does is pass a little gas. So bearing in mind this "schedule" Emily was due to poop yesterday morning. All day, I waited ... thinking if she doesn't poop soon I am going to have to call the doctor and make sure she is alright. We put her to bed last night and I wondered how many more days do I wait?? Well, this morning, as Emily woke up to eat (at 5:15 am!! She slept all night!) the poop came and I have never been so happy.

Emily was happy, too.

Okay, so not exactly the endearing post that you may have expected, but I thought that this was worth sharing. Not about the poop exactly, but about the amazing transformation that happens to all new parents. Being a new parent I feel I have some authority on this issue. All of the sudden things that didn't matter at all before are the most important thing in the world and things that were the most important thing in the world seem to fade in the background.

All I'm saying is that I never thought I would care so much about poop.


lilasblog said...

same thing happened with us and Lila. One week she took longer than usual to poop and we were on poop-watch. Took her to the doctor and doctor was worried and told me to try several things, if they didn't work, to bring her back. Well, I took the afternoon off work to try the things the doctor suggested. Finally a few hours later, she pooped. Let's just say the celebration ensued. Never was so happy before in my life to see poop.

the godmother said...

Yeah, I was right! I am so glad that the joys of motherhood remain the same...even after 14 years, poop is still bringing cheers!