Friday, October 10, 2008

25 Weeks to Go...

Whew - It has been a while since we posted. I am sure our readers are getting anxious to see what we will write next. So we went in for week 15 drs visit yesterday and all still looks good. I was hoping for another ultrasound, but didn't get one - despite my telling the doctor that I had a little fall in the shower earlier that morning. No, I wasn't just trying to con my way into seeing the baby again, I really did slip, but just kindda slid down the side of the shower and didn't really fall.

We did hear the heart beat though - that was cool. 147 BPM, which the doctor politely reminded us that despite the wives tales, this is not a gender predictor. I did google it anyway and I found a study that said there is a 50% chance I am having a girl if the BPM are above 140.

Other things - we are finishing off the room above the garage. And when I say we, I mean my dad. He's a trooper. Has been over several nights per week putting in boards, putting in walls, etc..etc... Says we'll be done by Christmas. Which is good - it means we will have 3 months to get everything else in place, whatever that means.

We are finally sharing the news more publicly these days. In fact, I informed Dan that there are no longer any rules to who we can and cannot tell. I asked him today who has he told and he said "no one." I called him a liar. He said, "I wanted to make sure you didn't change your mind about telling." He knows me well. He also knows that once the enthusiasm from yesterday's drs visit wears off, I will be back to not telling people just in case. Yes, I am crazy. It's fine with me.

The dogs are starting to realize that something is up. They can't understand why we now make them sit when we enter the house whereas before it was insanity with jumping up on us. They cannot understand why they can no longer jump from the arm of the couch onto me while I am sitting in the chair. Boy, are they in for a rude awakening? We have pretty much figured out that Keeper won't care, Wrigley will drown the baby with her kisses and Fly may eat it.

That's about it for now. We are going to a pumpkin patch tonight to pick pumpkins, eat candied apples and drink apple cider. A tradition I hope to continue once there are little ones in our lives.

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