1) The traumatic experience of an appointment with "Dr. No"
2) Nesting
Dr. No
So, I scheduled our "anatomy scan" visit with my favorite doctor at the OB/GYN practice. This appointment was scheduled for Friday, Nov 7th. I got a call on Thursday, Nov 6th from the docs office to hear that my fave doc was not available due to a hospital case and I was being rescheduled with another doctor. Well, I looked up his bio on the docs office website and I didn't really like it and then I looked up his voter registration and that was even more disturbing than his bio :) Really, I don't mind being checked out by a person of differing beliefs than myself, but afterall, it was election week, I was already angry about not getting the best doc ever AND I was turned off by the guy's bio. So things were not looking well. After consulting friends at work and my husband, I decided to keep the appointment and get over the fact that I was getting to see the doctor I liked.
We got to the appointment the following day, had a great ultrasound with the technician - very exciting. You'll note from previous posts that Dan teared up. Then we went into the exam room to wait for the doctor. In he walks, shook our hands - that was nice. He put his papers on the counter, turned his back to me and proceeded to read ... "looks like we have a female fetus...." If we were on a sitcom, that's when the rewind sound would have played, the scene would have paused and I would have spoken directly to the audience. "What? Female Fetus? Where is the pink confetti, where are the balloons? Where is the 'Congratulations, you're having a girl'?" Okay, not that I expect a lot, but I really didn't expect to hear "female fetus." So he continued, and after clinically describing that my baby girl had a two line impression (don't ask, I don't know), but apparently this is good, he said to me that I was gaining too much weight.
I got over that experience (clearly....) although I was very concerned last week when I actually lost a pound. Seriously, though, I have gotten over it and have even decided a week and a half later that if Dr. No was on call when Amabo (I will explain later) comes into the world, that this would be okay, too. At least I would know what to expect ... he would clinically describe the labor process to me in terms that I didn't understand and then it would be over and I could embrace my child....so this is okay.
Holy crap! I read in my "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book that nesting would happen....in MONTH 9. Let's see. This is month 5, or something like that and I have been working in serious overdrive. After we found out that we were having a girl, I decided that EVERYTHING (and I mean everything) needs to be done now. It all started last Sunday when I opened the kitchen cabinet where our cups and glasses live and was astounded at what I saw. We have absolutely NO place to put any cups for the baby. I was so astounded in fact that I remarked loudly to Dan "Dan, Where are we going to put the cups for the baby?" Dan's response, "We'll figure it out." My response, "We don't use half of this stuff in here, we have to clean it out." Dan's response, "Okay, we will...." Clearly, Dan did not understand what I was saying. So, I pulled out a kitchen chair, climbed up on the counter and pulled everything out of the cabinet and went through each piece deciding whether we needed it or not. Poor Dan. There is much more of this type of behavior on the way. The pantry is on the list, the closets upstairs, and much much more that needs to be cleaned out.
Besides the crazy cleaning and discarding of stuff, I am also now accumulating many items. I went for so many weeks without actually embracing that this was happening that I am doing it all at once now. So here I am ... I am now the owner of a pack 'n' play, a crib, a crib mattress, and I am getting ready to purchase a glider rocker, ottoman and changing table. I obtained or will obtain all of these things within 7 days. I am hunting for bargains on ebay and craigslist and feel I must get this done now. Now, the real question - where am I going to put all of these things? The nursery is nowhere near ready for loading. In fact, it is currently a disheveled office while we wait for the bonus room above the garage to be finished. That room is about 5 weeks or more away from complete and after that happens, we will need to remove current items from the nursery, clean out the closet, and paint. So - I am thinking that will happen in February. I suppose that this means all of my newly acquired furniture will occupy the space in the garage that my car currently takes up...which means, I will have to be cold in the morning until my car warms up. Oh well, it is a small price to pay for piece of mind that my to do list is being marked off.
And finally Amabo (pronounced: "Ama-Bo"). There are so many people in the world that have opinions about thie pregnancy....how I should feel, how I shouldn't feel, what I should do, what I shouldn't do - the list goes on and on and on. And frankly, I am going to spare myself some additional opinions by not sharing the real name of this child until she is here - plus, what if we decide to change her name at the last minute ... I would hate to have to explain that to a bunch of people, too. We may divulge to a few close family and friends, but even that is up in the air. I can tell you that we do have a first name chosen and I believe we may even have a middle name, we definitely have a last name chosen, but Dan still wants a paternity test... So for now, our little girl will be called Amabo. For those of you who haven't figured it out - This is Obama backwards. And who knows...this name may stick...Amabo Crawford - That's a fine name!